Sunday, March 17, 2013

Short Film Marathon Assignment

I will update this post with every short film posted.

  1.  In "Hunting," the main character changes after his father says he'll be back later than planned.  In this last scene, the formerly pacifist main character asks his brother for a chance to shoot the deer.  When the brother stops him from shooting it, a tense moment follows where the two brothers have switched places and the older brother fails to comfort the younger.  The camera angles and dialogue mirror those of the scene in the beginning where the inverse happened.  The actors' expression as well as the mirrored elements communicate the change in relationship between them.  
"The Black Hole"
  1. When the man is eating the Snickers bar, his mind changes.  The theft of the candy bar has opened his mind to larger-scale thefts using his new black hole.  This is signaled by an increase in the volume level.
  2. The black hole has its own sound effect because it is essentially its own character.  Its influence changes the main character, eventually leading him to his death.  Every time he uses the Black Hole, it changes him a little, and this is signified by the little noise it makes.
"The Man at the Counter"
  1. The use of narration in "The Man at the Counter" makes the story much more personal, as it is told from the first-person perspective of the main character.
  2. A teenage boy works at a coffee shop but doesn't find much meaning in his life.  One day an old man walks in and orders a plain coffee, winks, leaves a tip, and takes several sugar packets on his way out.  The same exact thing happens several days in a row.  Eventually, when asked, the old man says that his wife of 50 years is sick and wants something sweet.  He doesn't show up again.  Two weeks later he appears in the obituaries, and in the description it says that he died two weeks after his wife.  At the coffee shop the next day, the main character sees a happy couple.  In the very last shot, the boy is older and is proposing to his girlfriend, telling this story to her to express that his love for her is like the old man's love for his wife.

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