Sunday, January 27, 2013

Springs of Silver

I grew up in Silver Spring.  I was brought home from the hospital at three days old to the house I live in now, and that house's address has always contained the phrase "Silver Spring, MD."

The thing is, how does one describe a nebulous, inconsistent suburban sprawl in ninety seconds?  How does anyone define a town?  By its people, of course.

So I set out to film little impromptu interviews over the course of my typical day at school.

The result is this fun little assembly of natural dialogue, laughter, and B-roll.  The ending's a little cheesy, but whatever.

This was a fun one to film.  This is the first independent video assignment since I got my new Droid for Christmas, so it's been fun to have my camera in my pocket all the time.  This makes media class 500% better.

And like last time, the use of my father's Mac allowed me to use one of Apple's superior editing softwares.  iMovie isn't nearly as good as FCP, but it sure beats whatever the muffins YouTube thinks it can call editing software.

I learned from last time and didn't even bother with ccmixter.  I went straight to the free music archive and found this fun little song to play in the background.

I enjoyed messing around with the audio, choosing whether or not to keep the diagetic sound.  The levels were hard to get equal but wwhatevver.

The hardest part about this project was whittling down what I wanted to be my final product in order to meet the 90-second limit.  I would have loved to keep it where it was when it was 1:48 long, but alas, that did not meet the guidelines for the project.

In the end, I narrowly got it into the margin of acceptability, and voila!  Video.

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