Sunday, October 21, 2012

Music That I Like

There is one thing you need to know about me: I'm a bit of a weirdo.  If that wasn't apparent from my geeky references, now you know.  I like a wide range of geeky things, from Doctor Who to Harry Potter to Star Wars to Lord of the Rings.  I enjoy reading.  I do not shop at name brand stores, nor do I shop at little boutique stores or thrift shops.  I do not change my wardrobe every time the fashions change; I go shopping for clothes only a few times a year.  Instead, I spend my money on online gaming, and one thing that is quite weird about me: my favorite music.

Now, if you were to ask me about any Top 40 songs, I'd probably know the top 10.  Maybe.  I know several that were popular when I was in 6th and 7th grade, and I don't live under a rock, so I know super popular songs like Gangnam Style, What Makes You Beautiful, and such.  I have many friends who could regale me about the minutia of the different styles of pop artists.  But I usually don't care.

I'm not a hipster; I don't consider myself above the mainstream.  I don't listen to bands that no one's ever heard of, or oddly specific genres, or foreign artists.  In fact, most people have heard the music that I enjoy.  They just don't realize that they're listening to it, because they're too focused on what else is going on at the time.  There are others like me, but we make a small percentage of the music consumer population.  Sometimes people notice, and a piece of music becomes iconic - but only a phrase or two, never the entire song.

I am talking about wordless, orchestral movie soundtracks.  Well, TV show soundtracks too.  Anyone can hum the Star Wars theme, especially the Imperial March, but not as many could tell me the composer - fewer could name his other works, fewer still could tell me the names of the tracks on the album.  Some people like One Direction or P!nk, I like Michael Giacchino, John Williams, and Alan Silvestri.  Some people like "We Are Young" or "Want U Back," I like "Main Title/Rebel Blockade Runner" and "The Quidditch Match."

Granted, I like pop music too.  Most of the pop songs I've names, I can only name because they're on my iPod right now.  But I just like them.  Like I've said before, I'm a nerd.  One of the things that defines nerds is that when we like stuff, we really like stuff.  I am ambivalent about pop music.  I love soundtrack music.

The reason soundtrack music was created at all was to make the audience feel a certain emotion.  When I was little, I watched the behind-the-scenes of an animated movie.  One of the features was about the score.  At one point, they played a certain scene without music.  Then they played it again with the music.  The effect was incredible - it went from slightly amusing to thrilling.  This effect is one of the reasons I enjoy soundtrack music.  The ability of music to manipulate human psychology is astounding.  Music can sound like heartbeats, talking, screaming, birds singing, or anything that appeals to our instincts to make us feel the way the composer wants us to.

When music plays from my favorite movies, I can usually tell where in the movie it is.  I can quote the movie at the right points while listening, as any of my friends will tell you.  I can relive the movie or TV show without wasting battery or requiring 100% of my time and energy.

I also love the orchestra side of this music.  To be a musician in an orchestra would be amazing, if I was actually musically talented, knew how to play an instrument, and found an orchestra to be in.  I love listening to the different layers of the music, relishing the deep sounds of the cellos or the sweet singing of the flutes.  Every time I listen to a song, I can hear a new part of it, some quiet instrument that makes the whole song sound better.

Sometimes I pretend that I am conducting the orchestra.  Some people do the air guitar; I do the air baton.

This has been a post.


Convinced of the merits of Soundtrack Music?  Don't know where to find any? Here are the highlights of my favorite albums (these will be heavy in the action-y music and light on the romantic or sad, since that's how I like it):

  • How to Train Your Dragon, soundtrack by John Powell: 
    • "Test Drive"  Maybe it was because this was accompanied by excellent animation and [the animation equivalent of] cinematography, and was a positive turning point in the plot, but this is probably my favorite of all time.
    • "See You Tomorrow" Immediately, the lighthearted theme from this montage makes the listener smile.  I certainly always do.
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, soundtrack by Nicholas Hooper: 
    • "Fireworks" I have four words for you: Fred and George Weasley.  A mischievous, victorious song, good enough by itself - and then the electric guitar starts.
    • "Dumbledore's Army" (start this one at 1 minute in, it's pretty boring before then)  Whimsical, magical, hopeful, this reflects the scene and the franchise from which it came.
  • Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, soundtrack by John Williams: 
  • Avatar: the Last Airbender, soundtrack by The Track Team: 
    • "Into the Earth Kingdom" The music to a fight scene.  Begins slow as the group of heroes plans and heads to the fight; when they get there, the music can only be described as awesome.
    • "Final Agni Kai" This scene would have been emotional enough without the music.  Sister and brother, the prodigy princess now slipping into insanity and the banished scarred prince, duel for the throne in the series finale.  Listen to this song for instant sadness.  For the full scene, watch this video:
  • The Legend of Korra, soundtrack by The Track Team: 
    • "The Rally" Starts low, slow, and creepy.  Becomes mysterious, suspenseful, and thrilling.  I dare you to listen to this and not become curious about The Legend of Korra.
    • "Firebending Training" This is how we meet Korra: taking the test for the official title of Firebending Master.  The music is as light-footed and powerful as the acrobatic fire-blasting stunts she displays in the sequence.
  • Doctor Who, soundtrack by Murray Gold and the BBC Orchestra:
    • "Doctor Who Theme" Sounds like a Sonic Screwdriver and as iconic as the Doctor himself.  Futuristic, positive, and a little crazy, it reflects the show and the main character - which is reason enough for me to love it.
    • "Martha's Theme"  To describe this in two words, I would say "hauntingly beautiful."  I find myself humming this at the randomest times.  
  • The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, soundtrack by Harry Gregson-Williams: 
    • "The Blitz, 1940" I talked earlier about music evoking other sounds.  This is the best example: racing heartbeats, air raid sirens, passing planes, and a military march comprise this piece from the movie adaptation of Narnia.
    • "The Battle" Another action sequence, this one is best described as a grand, epic fanfare to the heroes taking their country back from the White Witch.  Goosebump-worthy.
  • The Incredibles, soundtrack by Michael Giacchino:
    • "Missile Lock" This song is from a very intense scene and sounds accordingly.  The drumbeat, brass and strings crying the urgency of the situation make this an excellent song.
    • "100 Mile Dash" This one is from a chase scene.  It follows one of two superhero siblings: the super fast runner.  This song, like the rest of the soundtrack, channels James Bond in sound.

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