Tuesday, September 25, 2012

5x5: Beach Trip

YouTube is being stupid again.  It doesn't accept my change of the thumbnail, and it won't let me view the video.  I don't know why Safety Mode is not letting me view the video in school.  There's nothing wrong with it.

I'm going to try to embed the link here.


1. Ferry ride
2. Walking towards the water
3. Sand games
4. Waves
5. Walking down the beach

I used the camera in my mom's Droid to capture this video.  I used WeVideo to edit it. 

I tried YouTube's video editor, but it had far more problems than I could deal with.  You had to upload footage to your channel as independent videos, then trim those clips to how long you want them, THEN put together the video.  Basically, you can only arrange videos on your channel into the order you want.  There's very little editing that you can do in the actual video editor.  Trimming the clips also was weird; it would trim them, but it would just take the length of the clip you wanted from the beginning of the video instead of where you actually wanted them from.  It was altogether a nightmare.  WeVideo made much more sense.

I rather like my 5x5.  I just wish the school system would actually allow me to watch it.  I hope Mr. Mayo's computer works better.

I would love to put together something along the lines of a 5x5, but with an actual story.  Creating a story in that short of a time is difficult, but can be done very well.

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