Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Introductions and such

Hi, I'm Stephanie!  I like sharing things I like with people I like.  

I am incredibly proud to be a nerd.  My motto is "Never apologize for your enthusiasm."  I am a nerdfighter (DFTBA!) and if you don't know what that is, I suggest you look at this FAQ.  

I love books and reading.  If you were to stick me in a massive library for the rest of my life, I would be ok with that.  As long as I had food and water.

As for filmmaking, I love every aspect of it except scriptwriting.  In particular, I like cinematography and editing.  Cameras are fascinating and all of filmmaking depends on good cinematography.  Editing takes the scattered takes and storyboards and turns them into a coherent, polished whole.  The creative aspect of both cinematography and editing is one of my favorite things about filmmaking.

I have been working with film since 6th grade.  One of my favorite projects was the short video I helped to make at summer camp this year.  All My Super Smash Brothers is a parody of reality tv with a Super Mario Brothers twist.  I played Toad and helped to shoot and edit the footage.  I also thoroughly enjoyed the suspense project in 7th grade Media Production class; I worked with two of my best friends and had a lot of creative freedom.

I am super excited about this blog!  We can use it for all sorts of things.  This would actually  work very well for my change project.  

  • The interfaith group that my group is planning to create could definitely use an online resource like these blogs.
  • We could use these blogs to publish online stories for Journalism class.
  • We can use the blogs to publish the videos we make in Film class.
This is so exciting! Yay.

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